Friday, November 25, 2011

Creating an Avatar

I tried out Doppelme!  It was fun!  Here is the avatar that I created.......


Alright, back to grading papers.....

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Task 1-What am I going to do with this?????

Wow....I am finally blogging, YEA!!!!  Okay, Tiff's 12 things---this is going to be great!  I feel like everything I learn from Tiffany is AWESOME!  I have been saying that I am going to blog, but of course I have not, so yea, go me!

I hope that I will get great ideas to use in my classroom and personal life.  One of the things that I struggle with is organization.  I hope that I garner knowledge that will help me with that deficiency. 

Getting the concept across in ways that mean something to students is always first and foremost on my mind.  If they can make a connection that is meaningful they will want to engage.......engagement is the key!

Until next time..